men and women: “Equal in Value, but Different in Role”?
What do complementarians mean when they say that men and women are equal in value, but different in role?
What do complementarians mean when they say that men and women are equal in value, but different in role?
Often in the new testament, such as in Paul’s letters, the masculine form is used as the generic form, even when we understand that the authors were speaking about both men and women. For example, take this passage in Romans 7:4: “Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of …
J’ai écrit un article publié sur le site de sur mon expérience comme jeune femme dans l’église et sur les découvertes bibliques qui m’ont apporté à changer d’avis sur ce qu’enseigne la Bible sur le rôle de la femme dans l’église. Je vous encourage à aller voir leur blogue et à écouter leur nouveau …
Reconsidérer notre position sur la femme dans l’église Read More »
Some may say that it is God’s plan or ideal that men assume the unique role of leadership in the family and in the church (or even society at large). But what if they are wrong? If God intends that men and women work together equally, showing no favoritism to men over women, what are …
The Genesis creation narrative seems to pretty explicitly state that males and females are equal in their humanity. Not equal as in the same, because there are apparent differences between the sexes, but equal as image-bearers of God, and with equal authority to represent God on earth in their rule over creation (Gn 1:26-28). A …
Adam Naming Eve: Is it a Sign of His Authority Over Her? Read More »
Many scholars and complementarians assume that 1 Timothy 2:1-15 is about the worship service (Denis Burk[1], Rachel Green Miller[2] , and Kevin DeYoung[3] are recent examples). This would mean that Paul is preventing women from teaching men during the worship service and could therefore not preach or be pastors or elders in our churches today. I will discuss several reasons …
The Context of 1 Timothy 2:12: Is It All About the Worship Service? Read More »
I recently read this quote in the book Men and Women in the Church by Kevin DeYoung, “Jesus, of course, came to save men and women. But in coming as a man he literally embodied what true manliness was meant to be–saving, protecting, rescuing, leading, teaching, and serving.” Is this what true manliness is? Or are these …
“But you need someone to make the final decision in case of a disagreement, right?” Do we? I have heard this argument to justify hierarchy in marriage. Obviously, the man is the one with the higher authority and “final say.” If two people cannot come to a shared agreement on an issue, one of the …
It seems clear that God uses male imagery to represent himself and that the Bible uses male language to refer to God. Disagreement exists as to whether or not we can refer to God as Mother or using female pronouns such as “She.” I refer to God as “Father” and “He” and will continue to …
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” (1 Tim 2:12, NIV) There you have it! A woman cannot teach a man or assume any kind of authority over a man. Paul is very clear. It certainly seems that way in most of our …