
adam and eve, religion, albrecht dürer-60581.jpg

Adam Naming Eve: Is it a Sign of His Authority Over Her?

The Genesis creation narrative seems to pretty explicitly state that males and females are equal in their humanity. Not equal as in the same, because there are apparent differences between the sexes, but equal as image-bearers of God, and with equal authority to represent God on earth in their rule over creation (Gn 1:26-28). A …

Adam Naming Eve: Is it a Sign of His Authority Over Her? Read More »

man, woman, composing

Does the Creation Narrative Teach Male Authority?

The basis for Male and Female Equality in the Genesis Creation Story I have heard numerous times, by different people, that male authority and female submission are clearly taught in the Genesis creation story. They will then go on to says that because God created it this way in the beginning it applies universally, to …

Does the Creation Narrative Teach Male Authority? Read More »